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About Us

In 1998, a lady in the community was gracious enough to introduce a wonderful woman, now my wife, to me as that lady felt we were a good match for each other. After an informal meeting at a friend’s wedding, my wife and I connected and got married a month later. Our two families also connected, and this situation resulted in a most fulfilling special marriage for the both of us. While seeming to be a small favor, by introducing each other, for us it was a great blessing for us. It is an attempt to honor that kind of benevolent act by replicating this gracious gesture for many others looking for a suitable life partner in their lives.

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The Covid-19 pandemic has created so much fear and devastated normal human interaction and socialization and reduced chances of meeting that special someone who may become a life partner. Also, many people are shy and modest and cannot initiate conversations about marriage easily, so a platform that makes it easy to approach others with good intent, is a benefit for everyone. That is where it comes in.

As the world is global, the potential pool of people available for consideration of marriage is more than ever, due to the internet and global communication mediums available to almost everyone. This new technology and global connectivity will hopefully provide for excellent opportunities to make awesome marriage connections, that are a foundation of a successful marriage life, and that benefits the world, as happy families make for happy communities and happy countries and ultimately a fulfilled world.

Great technology combined with human tact, decency and professionalism will create a platform where persons are educated about designing a successful marriage and also will be given an opportunity to become someone special for others. It will provide an easy-to-use platform that is digital, mobile friendly and easy to use. It will also serve others who prefer to engage by phone or talk to another person about their search. To summarize, Spousechoice.com aims to provide an easy, decent , respectable and professional avenue to seek suitable marriage partners, from around the globe, after sharing some information about yourself and learning about others.

The creators of Spousechoice.com want to create a platform where techies, non techies and anyone around the world can easily start to look for marriage matches for themselves, their relatives and friends. Our theme is to find the “the other half of your heart” thus completing the optimal union which can be the foundation of sharing each other’s lives in pursuit of contentment and happiness.

The site is created to facilitate decent and honest people to connect and consider a most important decision of their lives, namely getting married, and setting the foundation of family life, community, and ultimately be part of the structure of humanity. For the purposes of the Spouse Choice website, the word Spouse is referring to a person who has a legal, religious or common law relationship of husband and wife, one being male and one being female at time of birth. Choice means that one enters the bond of marriage with free will and enthusiasm without a compulsion of pressure of any sort. This decision of selecting mates, companions, and partners through the bliss and trials of life, is one that should be taken seriously and with much thought and consideration as it has consequences for many decades and years to come.

The best approach is to look at the totality of the qualities of a person vis a vis one’s own talents and attributes which takes into consideration, character, religion, education, philosophy, language and other resources which determine workable compatibility and high chance of success.

Decency, respect, honesty, transparency and good faith are a requirement in using it successfully. The basic premise is that a marriage should only happen if both sides are agreeable to the union and are entering marriage with best of intentions and hope. No one has the right to force, intimidate or threaten others into getting their way, and one must be ready to be “rejected” as one also has the right to “reject” or pass over others in consideration of marriage. Choice is a fundamental right that must be respected. Spousechoice.com was created to facilitate the introduction and meeting of families, persons in hope of considering a marriage union. Spousechoice.com is not a website for short term relationships, nor is this a place for just “dating.” One must have integrity and respect always in dealing with this most solemn, special and consequential task of finding a mate for one’s self for mutual benefit and benefit of society.

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